TDF uses Simplicité to manage all of its HR processes

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TDF uses Simplicité to manage all of its HR processes
Cheaper than a traditional solution
Specific business needs covered
Months of delay per agile iteration


TDF is a company in the digital and audiovisual sector with a multi-format and multi-media radio platform to manage and distribute video, audio and data content from its customers to all types of receivers. With its 10,100 sites, its ultra-high-speed network, its technical platforms and its know-how developed over decades, TDF ensures the broadcasting of 35 DTT channels and 900 FM radios as well as the deployment of the networks of the 4 national mobile telephone operators as well as the deployment of the networks of the 4 national mobile telephone operators.


Following specific agreements between management and the social partners relating to the conduct of annual interviews with employees, but also to manage increases, bonuses and training, the challenge was to instrument these processes that were too specific to easily “enter” into the master HR software package already in place on the IS.


Couvrir 100% des accords passés.

Ne pas perturber le processus RH maître, mais s’y intégrer parfaitement en “raccrochant” les résultats des sous-processus directement au progiciel en place.

Accompagner et s’adapter aux jalons RH en vigueur.


Une application Simplicité indépendante du progiciel RH maître et garante des sous-processus métier RH (entretien, primes, augmentation, plan de carrière, plan de formation).

Une intégration parfaite au SI pérenne et ayant permis un changement de progiciel RH sans remise en cause des sous-processus.

Une application à destination de l’ensemble des acteurs métiers respectant les contraintes de confidentialités : Responsables RH, Directeurs, Managers, collaborateurs.